
Filemaker pro 14 import photos
Filemaker pro 14 import photos

filemaker pro 14 import photos

From the File menu, you can now save directly to PDF or Excel without having to use any third-party software. Often you will want to prepare a report in FileMaker and create an electronic document you can then share with your colleagues.

  • To learn about ODBC connectivity and exporting, see Chapter 23, “Exporting Data from FileMaker.”.
  • To explore how to bring data, including a directory of images, into your FileMaker Pro solution, see Chapter 22, “Importing Data into FileMaker Pro.”.
  • You can also add SQL tables to your database graph, and you can even add supplemental fields to the external tables-your FileMaker database stores the supplemental fields. You can use ODBC to access external SQL data sources in real time. FileMaker Pro now also provides a number of ways to share data in real time.

    filemaker pro 14 import photos

    Importing data moves data from one environment to another in a batch mode, and that is what the following sections summarize. For now, keep in mind that there are options other than spending all day at the keyboard.

    filemaker pro 14 import photos

    Later chapters cover integration with other systems. Fortunately, FileMaker has excellent capabilities for importing data from a wide variety of sources. Having to manually type every bit of data into a database can be an excruciating experience. Learn More Buy Importing and Exporting Data

    Filemaker pro 14 import photos